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tel. 44 724 10 45 lub 509 765 030


Ośrodek Rehabilitacji
Dzieci Niepełnosprawnych

ul. Jana Pawła II 64/66
97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki 

Godziny otwarcia

7:30 - 19:00


Ośrodek Rehabilitacji Dzieci Niepełnosprawnych w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim

Celem Ośrodka jest działalność lecznicza polegająca na udzielaniu ambulatoryjnych świadczeń zdrowotnych oraz promocji zdrowia.
Do zadań Ośrodka należy:

  • udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w systemie ambulatoryjnym z zakresu rehabilitacji leczniczej dla dzieci i osób dorosłych,
  • podejmowanie działań służących zachowaniu, przywracaniu lub poprawie zdrowia w zakresie kompetencji komórek organizacyjnych.

Zapraszamy do kontaktu

44 724 10 45


509 765 030

Marta Goździk

Dyrektor Ośrodka


Wykwalikowany zespół

Ośrodek dostosowany do osób niepełnoprawnych

Parking dla pacjentów

Szybkie terminy

Nowoczesny sprzęt

Basen dla pacjentów

Wiata grillowa, amfiteatr, plac zabaw

Stale podnoszone kwalifikacje zespołu



Ośrodek Rehabilitacji Dzieci Niepełnosprawnych w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim

Celem Ośrodka jest działalność lecznicza polegająca na udzielaniu ambulatoryjnych świadczeń zdrowotnych oraz promocji zdrowia.
Do zadań Ośrodka należy:

  • udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w systemie ambulatoryjnym z zakresu rehabilitacji leczniczej dla dzieci i osób dorosłych,
  • podejmowanie działań służących zachowaniu, przywracaniu lub poprawie zdrowia w zakresie kompetencji komórek organizacyjnych.

Zapraszamy do kontaktu

44 724 10 45


509 765 030

Marta Goździk

Dyrektor Ośrodka


Explore Our Main Services

Our excellent teaam is ready to be part of your team to work into the different areas


Explore Our Main Services

Our excellent teaam is ready to be part of your team to work into the different areas


Explore Our Main Services

Our excellent teaam is ready to be part of your team to work into the different areas

About Us

The Laboratory Professional Experts Technician

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simof the printing and typese Sting industry. Lorem Ipsus ry’s standard dummy Loream has been the indu sard dext ever since the 1500s, Cont nchanged Contary.

Sample Preparation 82%
Environmental Testing 92%
Advanced Microscopy 78%

25 +

Awards Winning

780 +

Our Equipments

675 +

Complete Cases

150 +

Field Expertise

What we do

Our Latest Case Studies

Our collaboration projects between the public sector, industry and academia bring a real impact for the our health and lab firms.

Best Lab Technician Awards Winner 2018 -19

Our excellent team is ready to be part of your team to work on diagnoses.


We Will Insure Always Best Results

Our collaboration projects between the public sector, industry and academia bring a real impact for the our health and lab firms.

We Advice to Choose A
Right Decision

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs

Lorem xt ever since the 1500s, wheg essIpsum is simply dummy and typesetting industry. Lorem contary Ipsus been.

  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs
  • Bone Slices
  • Corticosterone EIA
  • Dentine Discs


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Our Services

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We Employ Latest Research Technology & Company

Our scientists and engineers focus their extreme curiosity on national and global security & health related challenges. Learn more about the Laboratory’s R&D work below area of segment.


Discoveries to Change Lives.

Forensic science is a discipline that applies scientific analysis to the justice system, help prove the events of crime.

Test Hypothesis and Collect Data.

Conducts lab tests ordered by doctors. Working with laboratory machines as we examine human diagnose.

Examine the Results Conclusions.

The Various techniques that we are used to identifying the chemical makeup & characteristics of a particular samples.

25 +

Awards Winning

780 +

Our Equipments

675 +

Complete Cases

150 +

Industry Expertise

Get a Quote For Testing

Best Laboratory Services


We’re here for you. Call us at 1-234-567-8910 or Request a Free Consultation